Monday 3 October 2011

Tantrum's lips are violent - Are yours?

Self-expression is top of their agenda, and with making statement lip patterns it is definitely achieved. Violent Lips is an innovative idea that keeps colour and prints on lips for up to 8 hours. Patterns range from bold, animal prints to sexy and seductive fishnets. There is even a pink ribbon design to help kick breast cancer and $2 from each purchase will be donated.

The range of Temporary Lip Appliques contain vitamins that are said to enhance the smoothness of lips, giving a glossy finish - sounds funky? you betcha! Check out Tantrum's favourite designs we'd love to try out...

Each set give you 3 applications worth of fun. Sealed with water, they're applied pretty much like a temporary tattoo - just not as tacky! Designs fit all lip shapes and sizes so there's definitely no excuse  not to want to try these unique beauties out! Start pimping your lips here.

words: Jemma Lamble